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Our innovative, country school is one of the best little schools in NZ and we are incredibly proud of it. We are nestled in the picturesque Ahuroa Valley, just a 15 minute drive from Puhoi or Warkworth.

We offer a learning focused, and peaceful environment where learning programmes are developed with differing needs in mind. We have high expectations for, and of, our students and expect to see them graduate from Ahuroa with a sense of pride and belonging as well as an engaged and motivating will to continue learning.  Families are recognised as being vital and active partners in students' daily learning, and the entire community is recognised as the learning environment. Our PTFA support this ethos and provide various opportunities to facilitate this throughout the year.

Catering for students from Year 1 through to 8, and whilst promoting academic excellence, we do believe that learning should not be constrained to the four walls of the classroom. We are extremely fortunate to have an exciting environment on our doorstep. This provides our students with many opportunities for real life learning experiences outside of the classroom.

One of the first things that strikes visitors to our school is the welcoming and positive atmosphere. Students are strongly encouraged to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s differences, and support each other’s weaknesses. We have an open door policy; parents and families are welcomed and encouraged to visit and share in their child’s learning at any time.

We currently have an after school care facility. This runs from 2.30pm until 5.30pm. Please contact Lena directly at  022-0504-022 or email:

Give us a call or pop in - we’d love to meet you.


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Recent Updates and News

22nd July 2024

Despite a soggy start back it seems that our children are happy to be back into the routine of school; I’m sure you are too!

There are several events to put in your diaries and look forward to. Cross country is one of the sporting events this term and we will look to build on last years success at the inter school competition. Our own cross country will take place in August here at school.

Speech writing and delivery is another event and preparations for that are underway. We are still waiting for notification of an interschool competition but will let you know when we have that information.

To celebrate the arrival of spring we have pencilled in a working bee day on Sunday 8th September. Hopefully by then we will be drying out and it will be good to tidy various areas of the school. We will combine this with a social sausage sizzle at the end for all of those who attend.

Further to our mid term reporting, we aim to provide you with the opportunity to meet with your teacher if you feel you need to. Each teacher will contact you to make those arrangements.

Ngā mihi,


Other Reminders

Wet weather gear. Everything is very muddy at the moment so please supply spare clothes in your child’s bag

Book bags: Please ensure your child has their book bag to transport and protect books to and from home.

Buses: Discuss safety and appropriate bus behaviour with those of you who use the bus services

Medication: When your child needs medication to be administered during school hours, please advise Christine in the office of the details. She will pass the information on to the class teachers and set up the protocol in the sickbay.

After School Care: This facility is up and running should you require casual or regular care. Please contact Lena directly on 0220504022.

10th June 2024

We recently hosted the education team from Wai Care & Whitebait Connection. Whitebait Connection is an action-based, environmental education programme for schools and communities, focussing on the health of our streams, rivers and wetlands.

Our students carried out a range of activities using the waterway below the school. They learnt about its importance, particularly for whitebait. Whitebait rely on healthy waterways to survive and one of the learnings our students gained was the importance of riparian planting. This brought authenticity to our recent planting day at the farm.


Teacher Only Day

Last week the staff used our teacher only day to do some work around mathematics which is our current focus. We spent time developing indicators for success at years 2, 4, 6 & 8. We also had the opportunity to view the refreshed mathematics curriculum.

Matariki Pre-Dawn Star-Gazing and Breakfast

We are planning a Matariki celebration at school on Thursday the 27th of June. We will gather at 6.30 am so we can view the stars of Matariki. We need to know who is interested in participating in this event as we will be catering a warm breakfast for everyone. Also, we need to know if there are enough early-birds amongst us to make it worthwhile going ahead with such an early start! A form will be sent separately.

The event is weather dependent, a final decision will be made on the afternoon of Wednesday 26th June. Please note that buses will not be running any earlier on that day, so if children are wanting to participate they will need to be brought to school by you, or you might be able to carpool with neighbours/friends. You are welcome to stay and enjoy star-gazing and breakfast with us, but you can leave your children and go as all staff will be present from 6.00am onwards.

Together with our Matariki Morning, we will be supporting the “Give a Kid a Blanket Appeal” by having a PJ day (makes sense when we’re getting up so early!) and collecting gold coin donations. On behalf of the appeal, we would welcome donations of excellent quality pre-loved and new items. Please, no rips, stains, tears and from a smoke-free home. Pre-loved items should be laundered (bagged or boxed) before donating please.

Blankets, duvet inners and covers, sleeping bags, infant sleep sacks, NEW pillows, NEW hot water bottles, warm infant, child, teen and adult clothing, pyjamas, robes, socks, beanies, jumpers, track pants, hoodies.

We love receiving donations of hand-crafted items such as crocheted blankets, and knitted infant and children’s jumpers and cardigans, and beanies in all sizes.

For more information, go to or check out the “Give a Kid a Blanket” Facebook page.

Ngā mihi

20th May 2024

He nui nga akoranga nui e haere ana i tenei wa.

There is a lot of great learning going on at the moment.

We were straight into the environment recently, planting 800 trees at one of our family’s farm. Interestingly, this was the first planting site when the school joined the programme back in 2013. It was great to see those trees thriving. This is always a rewarding day out.


The two current main curricula foci involve a lot of science and technology. The waste audit that we conducted earlier this year continues with regular auditing. We have definitely noticed a decrease in landfill rubbish. Thank you for supporting us by preparing lunch boxes with this in mind.

Another interesting study at the moment is around water. Whilst we had become tired of the amount we received last year, it is a necessity. Our plan is to use the local waterway to investigate its health. This subject has a broad range of very intersting topics within it. Please talk with your children about their learning.

Within the playground, we are practicing ball skills associated with the winter codes. We are fortunate to have North Harbour Sport providing skill sessions across the next six weeks as well.

Sadly the netball and rugby never went ahead but hopefully football will next week. Most of Room 4 will be in action at Warkworth.


Ngā mihi,

29th April 2024

Nau mai hoki mai ki te wahanga tuarua-Welcome back to Term 2.

I trust that you have all had some quality time with whānau and friends. Typically, these holidays transition us from summer to winter with the weather beginning to change. Cooler starts and darker evenings will be the norm as we begin back next week.

This also means that the winter sporting codes start back up and I look forward to visiting our players at their respective grounds. Please forward me a copy of their draws once you have them and I’ll try and get to at least one game.

The term is shaping up to be very busy, particularly with extra curricula activities. You will notice from the calendar that we have a run of sports events. This will mainly include year 5 up, but we will try and include younger students where possible, if they are excelling in their code.

We are also heading out to plant the young trees we have been growing as part of the Trees for Survival programme. We will take our year 4s and seniors in May and you are welcome to join us. Further details will be sent out by the class teachers.

We also have two public holidays and a compulsory teacher only day to factor in so please keep a close note of the diary.

Kei te titiro whakamua ahau ki te kite i a koutou katoa i nga wiki e haere ake nei. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks.


Terry Taylor.



One of the first things we noticed, and have grown to love, about Ahuroa School is the openness and friendliness of the staff and children. There really is a feeling of family and being looked after by the whole school....we have found Ahuroa School to have a huge heart with so much to offer our children in becoming well-rounded individuals and enjoying their childhood in such a happy, secure, and nurturing environment."


...When quizzed on what the best bits of Ahuroa School were, our children said 'it wasn't like any other school, the teachers would have conversations with the children and become quite good friends with them, AND you were allowed to climb trees!' In response to the school's approach to learning; 'we were actually learning and not being force-fed dead facts. A lot of that was down to the teachers'. On being questioned what they from being at Ahuroa School, they replied variously, 'I learnt how to make friends', 'I learnt how to be patient and understanding with little kids', and 'I discovered that school can be fun, interesting, and a bit flexible without compromising our acquisition of knowledge and skills'..."


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Since coming to Ahuroa School, my children have been given the opportunity to grow both socially and educationally. The teachers are so approachable, I feel I can always talk to them and find out how my children are doing and, due to the size of the school and classes, I know that they are always aware of my children as individuals instead of just part of a class. Its small size and unique setting create and ideal environment for children to feel safe and secure in. My children have been supported to find solutions to problems and have been given the tools to deal with situations on their own, and I feel that this has provided an important skill set that my children may not have otherwise learnt..."

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...What a fabulous choice it has been. We love watching our son grow in confidence, curiosity, and ability - all of which are undoubtedly supported and encouraged by the wonderful staff and vast experiences provided by Ahuroa School. We truely value how Ahuroa School stretches his thinking and abilities, but also allows him the freedom to just be a child. As for our second child, the Four Year Old Friday visits - we don't know of any other school that does this - have been invaluable in making her already feel very much part of the school, which of course will make the transition to full-time schooling so much easier. The way we see it, teachers that can manage to make their pupils look forward to a day at school are blessed with a true gift, how fortunate for us to have that gift right here in our community."



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