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OUR A - Z's



If your child will not be attending school for any reason, please inform the school office before 8.30am. Notifications need to come directly from parents or caregivers, not via siblings. Office staff ring you for unexplained absences from school.


Accidents / Illness

Duty teachers and support staff will attend to minor matters. You will be contacted if your child becomes ill at school or has an accident requiring ongoing attention. In such cases, it is advisable that children be collected and taken home.  In an emergency, an ambulance and parents will be called immediately.  Please ensure we are informed of any chronic conditions or allergies and have up to date emergency contact numbers.  If your child requires medicine at school, this needs to be discussed with staff and the medicine kept in the office.


AG Day

Every year in October, our students and community families are given the opportunity to participate in Ag Day.  In addition to raising a chicken, lamb, goat or calf, children have the opportunity to show case their pets, grow edible gardens and present a variety of indoor exhibits.  For more information see: Our Ag Day


Arriving after 8.30am

Children need to be signed in at the office by a parent or caregiver if they arrive after 8.30am.



Please ensure your children arrive at school before 8.30am.  Children should not be at school unless supervised, before 8.00am or after 2.30pm. Parents requiring assistance outside these hours should discuss this with the principal.


Bell Times

8.30am School Starts

10.30-10.50am Morning Tea Break

12.20-1pm Lunch Break

2.30pm School Ends

For more information see: Our Term Calendar


Bicycles / Scooters / Skateboards

Children may bring their bicycles / scooters / skateboards to school. Children must have a safe bicycle, wear a helmet and appropriate footwear.


Broadcasts / Notices

Every month community and school notices will be emailed directly to all parents and caregivers. To avoid missing important information, please read our Broadcasts carefully. Wider family and community members wishing to stay up to date with what’s happening at our school can also subscribe to receive our Broadcasts. If you are not already receiving these and would like to, please contact


Board of Trustees

Meetings are held once a month.  All are welcome to attend. For more information see: Our Board


The Duty Teacher is to take the responsibility calling bus rolls and for seeing pupils on to the bus in the afternoons. The Office Manager prepares all the bus sheets.



Step 1 - Verbal Warning

Step 2 – Letter to Parents

Step 3 – One week off the bus

Step 4 – Remainder of the term off the bus

Step 5 – Permanently off the bus

90% of Ahuroa School children travel to school by bus. Teachers are to ensure that children are dismissed promptly at 2.30pm and are not held back as this will hold up buses which all have to make other connections in the afternoons.

The rules for buses are:

  • not to get on or off while bus is moving

  • no heads, hands or rubbish out windows

  • no shouting or yelling

  • no moving around whilst the bus is in motion

  • obey the driver

  • no eating or drinking on bus.

The correct safety requirements to be practised on buses and responsibilities of the school for them are outlined in the "New Zealand Education Gazette".



Our year 0-4's use school owned laptops and mobile devices, our year 5-8's are required to bring their own mobile device.  As part of our BYOD policy, students are required to read our Digital Citizenship Agreement with their parents before signing.




We endeavour to offer all our children the opportunity to experience education outside the classroom through camp - whether it's an overnight sleep out at school (juniors) or a more challenging experience (seniors).  As our camps are designed to further develop abilities, they are not determined until the new school year has begun and teachers have gained a good knowledge of individual students and their abilities.

Car Parking

In the interests of safety, cars are NOT permitted to drive up our driveway. Please park in the adjoining Hall carpark (there is a pram friendly path connecting the carpark with our school). No parking in the bus bay at the bottom of the drive please.


If you have a skill or talent that you are passionate about and would be keen to share with a small group of enthusiastic children, please let us know.  Getting involved in our Clubs Program is a fantastic way to stay in the loop with what's happening at our school. 



Please ensure we have up to date phone, email and address details in case we need to contact you. Children are not permitted to use school phones, except in an emergency.

Update your details via email:


Dental Service

We do not have an onsite Dental Service at Ahuroa School. Your child will automatically receive an appointment via post to visit the mobile Dental Clinic in Warkworth.  These check ups are free. On enrolment you will be given permission forms for Dental Service.



Government funding only provides the essential basics. In order to provide further resources and programmes we need your donations. The Board of Trustees sets this each year.  Please remember that you can apply for tax rebates on donations.



We are required to sight your child’s birth certificate and a record of immunisation. For more information, see here



Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with what’s happening at school.  Our page is updated regularly, sometimes as events happen.  Our Facebook page is our main way of sharing photos from school related events.


Fair, Feast and Fireworks

Our annual fundraiser and a major event in our community - is held in March each year.  Our PTFA would love any support you could give them with the multitude of behind the scenes jobs.  Every family is expected to do their share on the night (usually a 1-2 hour shift on a stall or in the food tent) and provide home baking for dessert.  We couldn’t run this event without the fantastic support of our families.  For more information see: Our Annual Fair


Fire, Volcano and Earthquake Drills

These are held each term. Students and parents are asked to keep calm at all times and follow the directions of their teachers.


For fire, a continuous whistle will signal teachers to evacuate children to the assembly point on the court. In the event of a real fire, children will be released to parents from this point once the roll has been called and the fire brigade has given the all clear. There are evacuation notices in each classroom.


For earthquake or a volcanic drill teachers will initiate. Children are instructed to seek shelter under tables and in doorways. STOP. DROP. HOLD.



No lollies or sugary drinks. We are happy for parents to bring something to share for birthdays, farewells or other significant events. Please arrange this in advance with your child’s teacher to ensure valuable learning time is not disrupted. There is no canteen at school and all children are required to bring their own morning tea and lunch.  All children have access to the toastie machine and hot water (for noodles) in our technology room. Children need to bring their own utensils, plates etc.


Health and Safety

All parent helpers, visitors and contractors must sign in at the office on arrival. Please report any hazards you notice while on the school site and follow evacuation instructions in the unlikely event they are issued.



In junior years, children will bring home a variety of reading materials, which have been read successfully at school. Sometimes this will appear to be easy material or books they have read before. Practice on easy text is important. Please aim to make reading together enjoyable and successful. If your child is struggling with a book, read along with them and tell the teacher. Please make sure that children return their reading books in their bags each day.


As children progress through the school they will be required to learn spelling, timetables, complete class work or undertake research. Library books will also come home for recreational reading.  It is expected that all children will complete homework.



Although there is a variety of reading material available in each classroom, we have made the decision NOT to maintain our own separate library. Instead, each class has regular access to Auckland Libraries vast resources, either online or by visiting the Warkworth Library. All parents are strongly encouraged to obtain a Library card for their child.  For more information see: Our Library


Lost Property

Please ensure all clothing is named. Lost Property is held for a term and then, if unclaimed, is donated to an appropriate charity.  Valuable items and toys are best kept at home, as the school cannot take responsibility for them.


Music Lessons

Private music lessons are available during school time. For more information see: Our Music Program



Our school community newsletter is distributed to all Ahuroa and Puhoi mailboxes twice a year. Our community broadcasts are emailed monthly. If you are not already receiving these and would like to, please contact Christine at


Preschool Visits

Every Friday we invite 4 year olds and their families to gain some school experience, make some new friends and join our juniors for a “learn through discovery” programme.  Starting with morning tea at 10.30-10.50am, learning through discovery runs from 10.50am - 12.30pm.  Families are welcome to stay on for lunch and whānau time. For more information see: Our 4 Year Old Fridays



Families can use the pool after hours. Keys are available for hire at the office for $80 for the summer season.  Keys need to be purchased before the last day of Term 4 if families are planning swims over the summer holidays.  A refundable bond of $10 is charged per key.



Our school is very fortunate to have a strong and active PTFA which you are welcome to join. The PTFA assists with fundraising activities (such as our Fair) and provides an important link between home and school. For more information see: Our PTFA 


Reporting to Parents

At the beginning of the school year we hold a ‘meet the teacher’ BBQ evening.  Goal setting meetings are held in term one and three.  Teachers will issue two written reports during the year. Parents are welcome and encouraged to make appointments to see teachers if any issues arise or if you have any ongoing concerns about your child’s progress.  Throughout the term, you can expect regular updates from your child’s teacher specifically related to learning within their class. To contact your child's teacher directly please see: Our Staff



Lego Robotics after school club and school holiday workshops are run from our Technology room.  All are welcome.  For more information see Our Robotics Workshops.


School Trips

Children at Ahuroa School participate in a number of learning experiences/ school trips that require them to leave the school grounds. Parents will always be informed about full day school trips in advance. This information is shared via the weekly broadcast. At Ahuroa School we do not send home permission slips for individual trips.

Smoke Free

Please note that our school site (buildings and grounds) are smoke free both during and out of school hours.  This includes our pool area.


A list of requirements will be provided on enrolment (also available here).  We do not provide onsite school stationery.  All stationery needs to be brought from home or purchased elsewhere.  There are local businesses in Warkworth (Stationery Warehouse, Books and More) and Snells Beach (The Warehouse) where stationery can be purchased at very competitive prices.

Sun Smart

During daylight saving months (Terms 1 and 4), all children are required to wear a sunhat in the playground. If children forget their hat they will spend playtime/ lunchtime in designated shade areas.



During the swimming season (Terms 1 and 4) children need to bring togs and a towel to school in a plastic bag. Sunblock please also.


Term Calendar

Please see: Our Term Calendar


Vision and Hearing Checks

There are regular hearing and vision visits to our school.  If you are concerned about your child's hearing or vision please let us know.



Whānau Time

Every Friday from 2-2.30pm.  We strongly encourage families to come along and share this special time with us - acknowledging and celebrating success and sharing the week’s learning with each other.

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